ANCSA Corporations and tribes serve many of the same constituents – both have a mission to improve the lives of our shareholders and tribal citizens.
Relationship can be collaborative
Supporting traditional ways of life (subsistence)
Sustainable rural communities; employment
Cultural and language preservation
Land into trust
There can be disagreement
ANCSA corporations as “tribes” for purpose of specific federal acts
Conservation vs. economic development
Political differences can arise (e.g. CARES Act funding and Roadless Rule)
Recent efforts through “Being Good Relatives” to bridge the divide
Relationship with Tribes There was congressional intent and expectation that tribes would cease to exist as a result of ANCSA. However, tribes did not disappear. We are tribal people.
Tribal governments in Alaska continue to be recognized by the federal government, which maintains a government-to-government relationship with tribes. Tribes participate through contracting and compacting in programs established for the benefit of tribes and tribal citizens. Tribes also exercise sovereign authority over their memberships – they set their own standards for inclusion, which often do not rely on blood quantum – and their children through the Indian Child Welfare Act. However, very little land is held in trust for Alaska tribes.