About Sealaska (Owners)
Thursday, November 4, 2021

Owners of Sealaska

To be eligible to be an owner of Sealaska, original shareholders had to have at least one quarter Native blood quantum and be born by Dec. 18, 1971, when ANCSA was approved. Sealaska enrolled 15,782 original shareholders. 

“Matthew Mills (2 years old) and his daddy, Levi Mills, hunting for blueberries. Teaching them young to respect all things in the world.”

Under the 1991 ANCSA amendments, regional corporations could ask shareholders to expand enrollment to people born after 1971. Sealaska shareholders approved enrolling descendants (retaining the one quarter blood quantum requirement) in 2007. Since then, approximately, 6,334 descendants have enrolled with Sealaska. Today there are about 23,000 Sealaska shareholders.



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