About Sealaska (Sealaska @50)
Thursday, November 4, 2021

Sealaska @50

This year marks the 50th anniversary of ANCSA, which was signed into law on December 18, 1971. ANCSA is the largest land settlement between aboriginal people and the federal government. But it was only a culminating effort.  

Quick Timeline of Alaska Land Claims  
1867 | U.S. buys Alaska from Russia 
1906 | Alaska Native Allotment Act 
1912 | Alaska Native Brotherhood (ANB) is formed for the purposes of land claims 
1959 | Tlingit & Haida land settlement – $7.5 million 
1959 | Alaska Statehood Act 
1966 | Alaska Federation of Natives is formed 
Late 1960s | Oil discovered in Prudhoe Bay 
1971 | December 18 – ANCSA signed into law 
1972 | June 16 – Articles of incorporation for Sealaska signed 

Sealaska @ 50 | Economic Impacts

  1. Business focused on land, food and water, aligned with Native values – sustainable, responsible, close to home
  2. 2020 Operating EBITDA $78 million
  3. 2020 net income $56 million (2019 net income $78 million)
  4. 2020 $28.5 million in shareholder benefits. Key highlights: 
    -$2.8 million art and cultural 
    -$1.8 million COVID relief  
    -$1.2 million scholarships  
    -$18.3 million dividends 

Sealaska @ 50 | Key Investments 


  • Scholarship endowment (now at $20 million)
  • More vo-tech, part-time and job training scholarship opportunities
  • Full- and part-time students 

Language Revitalization

  • $10 million endowment fund for language preservation programs
  • Supplements other programs at Sealaska Heritage Institute and tribes by focusing on assisting advanced language learners

Youth Programs

  • Supporting increased educational attainment of youth
  • Training opportunities – STEM, Alaskan Youth Stewards, partnerships, internships 

Workforce Development

  • Collaborations with tribes, other landowners



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