Community Commitment Runs in the Family for Scholarship Recipients
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Applications for Sealaska’s scholarships are due today! A scholarship can be a tremendous source of support. For more information on scholarships and how to apply, go to the shareholder portal or Sealaska Heritage Institute.

Rick Brock, Dino Brock, and Archie Young are fierce competitors but they’re also family. This set of two brothers and a cousin are well-known and respected high school basketball coaches in Petersburg and Mt. Edgecumbe. All three are working hard to encourage, inspire, and educate our young people, and we are proud they are former Sealaska scholarship recipients.

Just like thousands of other shareholders and descendants who have received scholarships from Sealaska since 1981, they were able to achieve their educational and career goals. Their love of family and commitment to community inspired them to give back. Now they encourage young athletes to do their best in sports, academics, and life. 

Meet these local coaches and learn why they are passionate about working with youth. “Sports is the carrot that we can use to motivate those kids to do better. We preach a lot: accountability for your actions on and off the court, in the classroom, as people… It not just about being eligible. It’s about trying to better yourself every day. It’s about being the best YOU you can be,” said Archie Young.


April 15, 2020: Final deadline to submit all scholarship application materials

More information is available at the shareholder portal at and Sealaska Heritage Institute also has information on our scholarships and others, including the Preparing Indigenous Teachers and Administrators for Alaska Schools (PITAAS) program.

Did you know?

  • Since last year, part-time students are now eligible for scholarships.
  • Scholarships are awarded to students enrolled at vocational and technical schools, graduate schools, four-year colleges and other types of post-secondary programs.
  • Scholarships are funded by Sealaska and administered by Sealaska Heritage Institute.
  • Descendants are eligible to apply — not just shareholders.

Calling all former Sealaska scholarship recipients!

Are you a former scholarship recipient? Or do you know someone who is? We want to hear from you! Reach out at and let us know how education has shaped your journey. Be sure to include a photo!

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