ICYMI Watch | Tlatsini Journey of the Taku Kwan
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Sealaska held a special showing of the documentary Tlatsini – Journey of the Taku Kwaan on Monday, Sept. 27. If you missed this opportunity, Sealaska shareholders can watch at their convenience before Thursday, Sept. 30.

About Tlatsini – Journey of the Taku Kwaan 

The documentary is about a canoe journey on the Taku River. The Taku River runs between British Columbia to the Alaska coastal waters of Southeast Alaska. The river basin, stretching 10,000 miles, is a resource to First Nation Tlingit and Tlingit in Southeast Alaska.  


Shot in 2018, the documentary follows the Taku River Tlingit First Nation paddlers as they began their journey from Cranberry Island, B.C. and conclude it 100 miles later at Douglas Harbor near Juneau. The purpose of the journey was to connect the two nations across an international border that has divided them for 100 years. The paddlers arrived in Juneau in time for Celebration in 2018, and the film includes footage of this legendary event that celebrates the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian cultures. 


About the Filmmaker

This documentary is by Mike Rudyk, a Champagne and Aishihik member and filmmaker. Rudyk is a Gemini-nominated filmmaker. He has worked for CBC Yukon since 1999, as a reporter and videographer. He lives in Whitehorse.


How to Watch

Sealaska shareholders can watch the documentary Tlatsini – Journey of the Taku Kwaan, at your convenience between now and Thursday, Sept. 30, 2021. The special shareholder screening will end at that time. The film is about 20 minutes long and can be viewed as many times as you’d like before midnight on Thursday, Sept. 30.

Click here https://vimeo.com/505350966

Enter password: T@ku2021!

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