Sealaska Accepting Applications to Fill Board Seat Vacancy
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Sealaska is recruiting for a seat on its board of directors that became vacant when Director Ross Soboleff passed away in July.  Sealaska shareholders who wish to be considered for this board seat should submit a statement of interest and resume by Monday, October 1, 2018 at 5pm AKDT.

Sealaska is recruiting for a seat on its board of directors that became vacant when Director Ross Soboleff passed away in July. Soboleff, elected to the board in 2014, saw his role on the board as a way to contribute his knowledge and experience in a positive way. Ross chaired Sealaska’s governance committee, and part of his legacy is helping create a process to fill vacant board seats by encouraging highly-qualified shareholders to apply in the case of an unexpected vacancy.

Because the board acts on behalf of shareholders, it must act in the best interest of the company by finding a talented individual to help fulfill its mission. Sealaska’s board and management team share a common goal of creating successful and sustainable businesses that will build and increase value for shareholders and our communities. This board member will be appointed for the remaining duration of Soboleff’s term, ending in 2020.

Sealaska is committed to building three core business platforms that reinforce its values, are located in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, are relevant to shareholders, and that provide operational success and growth in business income. Those platforms include the seafood industry, environmental consulting and government services, and natural resources.

 “Sealaska’s financial success allows the board and management to provide meaningful shareholder benefits,” said Sealaska Chair Joe Nelson. “The health of communities where our shareholders live, especially our indigenous homelands, are also important to Sealaska. We are looking for candidates who are just as passionate and who can work together for continued progress.”

“In order for Sealaska to keep moving in the right direction, the company and the board needs strong and experienced board members who can help contribute to our success in the future. We also need to be open and transparent for the benefit of shareholders and communities,” explained Jodi Mitchell, Sealaska’s board vice chair and chair of the board’s nominations committee. “Soliciting applications for our open board seat gives everyone a chance to express interest and be considered. The last time we solicited applications, we had about 47 shareholders apply.” 

Sealaska board members contribute diverse skills and experience toward helping the organization achieve its goals of strengthening people, culture and homelands. Shareholders who can contribute to our strategic efforts are encouraged to apply. The selection process will assess each candidate under the following considerations:

  • Character and integrity
  • Financial literacy
  • Level of education
  • Business experience
  • Leadership skills
  • Understanding of village economies, lifestyles, cultures
  • Sufficient time to devote to board matters
  • Independence and no conflict of interest that would interfere with performance as a director
  • Commitment to represent the long-term interest of the shareholders
  • Commitment to ownership of Native lands in perpetuity

Sealaska shareholders who wish to be considered for this board seat should submit a statement of interest and resume by Monday, October 1, 2018 to the Corporate Secretary at: Finalized application documents due to Sealaska by Monday, Oct. 1, 2018 at 5 p.m., AKDT. Additional information will be requested from those candidates selected for interviews.  For more information, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.

News Search

18 results found

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Posted 2/11/2021
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Posted 2/4/2021
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Posted 2/21/2020
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Posted 2/13/2020
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Posted 1/2/2020
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Posted 2/7/2019
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Posted 12/13/2018
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Sealaska seeks the next Board Youth Advisor and is accepting applications for 2019-2020 term. Each year, Sealaska directors select a non-voting youth advisor to the board to provide input, gain board membership training and gain knowledge of Sealaska’s operations. Key eligibility requirements: The deadline to submit completed applications, supporting documents, and all required letters of… Source