Sealaska announces Desiree Jackson to serve as Vice President of Administration and Outreach
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

A focus on strategy, values and excellence has led Desiree Anax x’aséigu yé Jackson to her new role as Sealaska’s Vice President of Administration and Outreach. Jackson has served as the executive director of Goldbelt Heritage Foundation for the past three years, and in key roles at Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority and the Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium prior. With a background in business and project management, she excels at organizational alignment, team building and finding balance between ancestral knowledge and workplace excellence.
“Desiree is comfortable doing the work and leading by example,” said Executive Chair Joe Nelson. “Her focus on healthy living, and experience collaborating and teambuilding is exactly what we need right now.”
Jackson’s goals for this role are supported by her deep appreciation for Sealaska’s core cultural values (learn more about Sealaska’s cultural values here). Wooch.Yax—the idea of social and cultural balance across organizations – especially speaks to her: “The way I was taught growing up, it was impressed upon me to make sure that perspectives of all generations are considered and understood, from my grandparents to my kids. Taking a multigenerational approach with how we work, to me, is true balance.”
Developing strong relationships and strategic partnerships with shareholders, collaborators and communities is a lifelong dream realized, she said, and one she feels called to.
“For me,” Jackson said, “it’s about asking, how can my work connect our people more deeply into support, programs and services in a meaningful, sustainable way? And what can we build that better helps connect the dots between what we do as Sealaska and what our impact is—and can be.”
One way she plans to create impact is by supporting systems thinking, leading to systemic change. As Sealaska’s global footprint expands, the corporation’s investments in shareholders and communities have grown as well—along with the possibilities for impacts across the region.
“This position represents an opportunity to help create more intentional change for Sealaska and our presence here,” said Jackson. “It’s a chance to help align and connect our corporation into other opportunities and partnerships, thoughtfully working together to build more strategic alignment between everyone in our big Southeast community.”
Jackson is of Tlingit descent and is Tsaagweidi and Sukteeneidi yadi. She is the mother of five children, a registered dietitian and pursues wellness in all areas of her life. She is married to Jeffrey Jackson of Keex’ Kwaan (Kake), which is her favorite place to be every summer: next to the ocean, picking berries.