Sealaska proudly endorses Peltola for U.S. Congress
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Congresswoman’s platform of fish, family and freedom finds alignment with Sealaska values

The Sealaska Board of Directors has again endorsed Mary Peltola for U.S. Congress, speaking to her strong leadership and unwavering dedication to creating impact for Alaskan communities. Sealaska was the first Alaska Native Corporation to support Congresswoman Peltola’s bid for Congress in 2022 and continues to support the congresswoman in her campaign to continue serving Alaska in the state’s sole seat in Congress.  

“We are immensely proud to support Mary, not just because of what she represents – although being the first Alaska Native member of Congress is no small feat – but who she is, and the values she fights for,” said Sealaska board chair Joe Nelson. “Our goals and vision are one and the same: serve the lands, waters and people that make Alaska the special place it is, and recognize the tremendous power of Alaska Native voices, along with the issues that impact us.”  

Congresswoman Peltola’s focus on promoting sustainable fishing practices is closely tied to Sealaska’s ocean health priorities, as is her deep understanding of the issues facing coastal communities and rural villages across Southeast. In Congress, she has cosponsored bills aimed at combatting the impacts of climate change on fisheries and introduced legislation to restrict bottom trawling, reduce bycatch in Alaska’s waters, increase fisheries resilience and study seafood competitiveness – and more. She has also lobbied tirelessly for Alaska Natives Without Land, sponsoring the most recent Landless legislation and broadly increasing Congressional awareness of the historical injustice faced by Landless shareholders. 

“The endorsement from Sealaska is an incredible honor and speaks to the shared values that fuel our work to better our community,” said Peltola. “Like us, they understand the crucial role that fish plays in the lives of countless Alaska Native communities across our state – it’s not just about maintaining a livelihood, but the protection of a time-honored way of life. With Sealaska alongside us, we can confront the challenges in Alaska with even greater strength and determination.” 

Sealaska’s board of directors recognizes the need for increased voter participation during this year’s election, especially for those in rural areas and Alaska Native communities. Shareholders are encouraged to think ahead and make a voting plan before election day, and to work with loved ones, especially Elders, to do the same.  

Alaska Voter Information 

Sealaska urges shareholders across Alaska to vote in the upcoming general election on Tuesday, November 5. Learn more about the general election and find sample ballots here:  

Upcoming deadlines include: 

  • October 6 – deadline for voters to register or update registration 
  • October 21 – early and absentee voting begins 
  • November 4 – last day for early and absentee voting  
  • November 5 – Election Day! 
  • Polls open from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. Alaska Time 

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