Watch Live GOTNV Southeast Candidate Forums
Monday, September 17, 2018

GOTNV Southeast, is hosting public forums featuring discussions with candidates in upcoming state and local elections over the next few weeks. A complete list is below.
GOTNV Southeast, is hosting public forums featuring discussions with candidates in upcoming state and local elections over the next few weeks. A complete list is below.
Sealaska is partnering with Tlingit & Haida, Goldbelt, Inc., Huna Totem Corporation, Kootznoowoo, Inc., The League of Women Voters, Sacred Grounds Café, the Juneau Radio Center, Sealaska Heritage Institute, SEARHC, and Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority for Get Out the Native Vote (GOTNV) Southeast Alaska. GOTNV is a non-partisan effort for voter education and candidate engagement. Follow GOTNV Southeast and activities on our Facebook page.
GOTNV Candidate Forums List
Tuesday September 18, 2018 (completed)
11:30- 1:00 CBJ Municipal Mayoral Candidates forum (mingling and food 11:30-12:00)
5:00 – 6:30 CBJ Municipal Candidates forum (mingling and food 5:00-5:30)
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
11:30- 1:00 District 33 & 34 and District 35 & District Q Candidate forum (mingling and food 11:30-12:00)
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Alaska Gubernatorial Candidate forum (mingling and food 11:30-12:00)
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Ballot Measure 1 forum (mingling and food 11:30-12:00)
GOTNV Candidate Forums Archive