Sealaska Deishú Memorial Fund Applications Now Available
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Sealaska Heritage Institute Traditional Scholars David Katzeek and Paul Marks gave a special presentation during Sealaska’s annual meeting, introducing the new fund.
View video here.
Applications are now available for Sealaska’s bereavement benefit, known as the Deishú Memorial Fund. The fund was established by Sealaska’s board in spring of 2018 as a way to provide support for its shareholders after the loss of a loved one.
This program is a result of Sealaska’s growing financial strength and ongoing feedback from shareholders in support of meaningful benefits that make a difference in shareholders’ lives and reflect the value of helping one another through challenging times.
Deishú roughly translates to “the beginning and the end of the road, eternal journey” in Tlingit and is an area used by the Chilkat village that was located where the community of Haines is currently located.
Apply to the Deishu Memorial Fund
Request an application via