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Frequently Asked Questions - Burial Fund (Deishú Memorial Fund)

Q: Is it true that Sealaska now has a burial benefit program?
A: Sealaska directors authorized the establishment of a Shareholder Burial Benefit program at the May 7, 2018 board meeting. The program is officially called Deishú Memorial Fund.

Q: To be eligible for the Deishú Memorial Fund, do you have to own shares?
A: The Deishú Memorial Fund is available to original shareholders, whether they currently have shares or have gifted the shares. In addition, shareholders who own shares are eligible for the benefit.

Q: Do Sealaska shareholders have to live in Alaska to be eligible to apply for the Deishú Memorial Fund?
A: No

Q: How much does the Deishú Memorial Fund offer shareholders?
A: Deceased original shareholders, regardless of current share ownership, would receive a $1,000 payment from the Deishú Memorial Fund. All other deceased shareholders would receive a payment from the Deishú Memorial Fund based on the number of shares that they possess at the time of death:

1-25 shares
26-50 shares
51-75 shares
76 shares or more

Q: When will the Deishú Memorial Fund begin taking applications?
A: The effective date of the Deishú Memorial Fund was Monday, May 7, 2018. Sealaska began accepting applications on Monday, June 25, 2018, for those shareholders who passed away on or after May 7, 2018.

Q: Who will receive payments from the Deishú Memorial Fund?
A: Payment will be made either to the deceased shareholder’s estate or to the mortuary with appropriate documentation.

Q: What type of documentation may be required to apply on behalf of a deceased shareholder?
A: Sealaska requires a completed application, as well as a copy of a death certificate or a letter from a funeral home.

Click here to view the Deishú Memorial Fund application.