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Our toll-free number is down until 8am Wednesday morning. Please use (907) 586-1512 or MySealaska Messages

How a Distribution is Calculated

Sealaska shareholders receive distributions from three sources


Sealaska Operations

  • Sealaska policy states that 35 percent of the corporation’s consolidated net earnings averaged over five years, minus earnings associated with the Marjorie V. Young Permanent Fund, may be paid annually in two installments
  • Sealaska and its subsidiaries strive to achieve strong economic performance each year. Some earnings from Sealaska’s operations are included as a portion of shareholder distributions, according to Sealaska’s Dividend Policy
  • All classes of shareholders receive a payment from this source, when a payment is so authorized by the board of directors

Marjorie V. Young Permanent Fund

  • The Sealaska board of directors unanimously approved naming the Sealaska Permanent Fund after long-serving director Marge Young in 2009. The fund is formally known as the Marjorie V. Young Shareholder Permanent Fund (the Fund)
  • A percent of market value from the Fund will be included in distributions made to shareholders, according to the Dividend Policy
  • Sealaska's Permanent Fund continues to be a source of strength for our corporation, providing shareholders with reliable dividends since 1987
  • All classes of shareholders receive a payment from this source, when a payment is so authorized by the board of directors


ANCSA Section 7(i)/7(j)

  • The 12 regional corporations created under ANCSA share a portion of their natural resource revenues with each other, according to the provisions of the ANCSA Section 7(i) revenue sharing agreement. Sealaska receives a portion of its revenue from this source of shared earnings
  • Sealaska distributes monies to Urban and At-Large (Class B and C) shareholders from funds Sealaska receives under ANCSA Section 7(i). The payment to shareholders from Section 7(i) monies is called a Section 7(j) payment
  • Village (Class A) shareholders do not receive an ANCSA Section 7(j) payment directly from Sealaska—under ANCSA, Sealaska is required to make Section 7(j) payments directly to each of the 10 Southeast village corporations. It is up to the village corporations to decide how to use their ANCSA Section 7(j) payments
  • Descendant and Leftout (Class D and L) shareholders do not receive an ANCSA Section 7(j) payment from Sealaska