Scheduled Phone Maintenance

Our toll-free number is down until 8am Wednesday morning. Please use (907) 586-1512 or MySealaska Messages

Sealaska Compliance

The Sealaska Code of Ethics is a key component of Sealaska's compliance program. It provides us with a common set of guidelines to help reinforce and uphold our values, and:
  • Outlines ethical standards that help guide our decision-making
  • References company policies that support our ethical decisions
  • Provides a list of resources for reporting ethical concerns
Sealaska Code of Ethics (pdf)

We have also created an Executive Summary (Quick Reference Guide), which focuses on the essentials of the Sealaska Code of Ethics.

Executive Summary to the COE (Quick Reference Guide) (pdf)

If you have a question, or become aware of a situation that conflicts or appears to conflict with the Sealaska Code of Ethics, you should report your concern immediately. Sealaska has established an independent third-party information gathering service with a dedicated telephone number and website that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Contact Information:

Via the anonymous Ethics Call Center: 855.449.0542

Via the anonymous Online Website:

Thank you in advance for joining in our commitment to maintain ethical standards and to live our values.


Appendix A (Compliance Statement) (pdf)
Appendix B Sealaska Corporation Directors' Oath (pdf)