Frequently Asked Questions - Stock Certificates
What type of Sealaska Stock is there?
Class A (Village Shareholders)
Village shareholders are those enrolled in a Southeast Alaska ANCSA Village Corporation. These are original shares issued to Sealaska shareholders in 1971. Class A shares do not receive ANCSA Section 7(j) payments directly from Sealaska. Under ANCSA, Sealaska is required to make Section 7(j) payments directly to each of the 10 Southeast Village Corporations. It’s up to the Village Corporations to decide how to use the ANCSA Section 7(j) payments.
Class A stock can be gifted or inherited, has voting privileges and receives distribution payments from the permanent fund and operations.
Class B (Urban Shareholders)
Urban Shareholders are those enrolled in a Southeast Alaska Urban Corporation, Goldbelt, Inc. (Juneau) or Shee Atiká, Inc. (Sitka). Class B shareholders also include those who were living in Alaska at the time of enrollment in 1971 and were not part of a Village Corporation. Shareholders referred to as “Landless” shareholders from Haines, Ketchikan, Petersburg, Tenakee Springs, and Wrangell own Class B, or Urban, shares.
Class B stock can be gifted or inherited has voting privileges and receives distribution payments from the permanent fund and operations and ANSCA Section 7(j) payments.
Class C (At-Large Shareholders)
At-Large Shareholders are those who were living outside of Alaska at the time of enrollment in 1971 or who did not enroll with Village or Urban Corporation.
Class C stock can be gifted or inherited and receives distribution payments from the permanent fund and operations and ANSCA Section 7(j) payments.
Class D (Descendant Stock)
Class D shares are voting shares owned by Descendant shareholders enrolled with Sealaska. Descendants were born after December 18, 1971, but otherwise met all eligibility requirements to receive Sealaska stock.
Class D shares are life-estate shares that will cease to exist upon the death of the shareholder. They cannot be gifted or inherited. Class D stock receives dividend payments from the permanent fund and operations. To apply for Descendant Shares, go here.
Class E (Elder Stock)
Class E stock is automatically issued to original shareholders who reach age 65. Class E stock is Life Estate Stock and cannot be left to others in a Stock Will.
Class E stock cannot be gifted or willed and does not have voting privileges. Class E stock receives dividend payments from the permanent fund and operations.
NOTE: Shareholders are notified by mail, up to three months before turning 65, if they are eligible to receive Elder Benefits. They can choose, at that time, if they do NOT want to accept the benefit(s) by selecting Opt-Out and signing and returning the bottom portion of the letter.
Class L (Leftout Stock)
Leftout shareholders are those who were eligible to apply during the original ANSCA enrollment in 1971. Class L stock is Life Estate Stock and cannot be left to others in a Stock Will.
Class L stock cannot be gifted or willed and has voting privileges. Class L stock receives dividend payments from the permanent fund and operations.
Transfer and Voting Privileges by Class
* If the shareholder is an Alaskan Native