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Haa Aaní

One of Sealaska’s core values is Haa Aaní (Lingít), Íitl’ Tlagáa (Sm'algyax), Na Yuubm (Xaad Kíl) — in reference to our lands and waters, echoing our commitment to stewardship of Southeast Alaska. Because of the strength of this relationship, Haa Aaní, LLC is the name that Sealaska adopted for the holding company of subsidiaries and departments involved in our land management activities.

Our Approach

Through Haa Aaní, Sealaska invests in balanced land management — a strategy that gives more than it takes, helping to stimulate growth in local economies as well as growth in our forests; revitalize both fish habitats and culture; and building relationships as well as projects to support a strong future. As the regional corporation representing the Southeast Alaska region, Sealaska owns and manages over 362,000 acres of land on behalf of over 25,000 shareholders.

Sealaska was incorporated in 1971 under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). Through ANCSA, the federal government transferred 44 million acres of land to Alaska Native regional and village corporations. Sealaska’s land holdings equate to approximately 1.6% of the traditional homelands of the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian people of Southeast Alaska.

After incorporation, the timber industry was initially the most viable way to maximize value for shareholders, leading to tremendous growth and, subsequently, successful investments. This success made it possible for Sealaska to shift our business model. Sealaska transitioned away from the timber industry in 2021. Today, our business strategy revolves around ocean health, closely aligning with cultural values and our desire to ensure our planet’s resources remain healthy and balanced for future generations.

Carbon Offset Projects

The work we do as land managers and our goals for our lands may have changed, but our commitment to serving the places that have nourished our people for thousands of years has not. One way our forests continue to provide for shareholders is through carbon offset projects. By managing our forests under the carbon credit program, our lands are still available to support recreation and tourism, maintain water quality and preserve salmon habitat, along with providing income to support the benefits enjoyed by our shareholders. Sealaska has seen credit issuance income from two finalized projects, with a third currently underway.

Restoring Balance

For Sealaska, balanced land management represents the same balanced outlook that our ancestors have held for thousands of years: managing our lands and waters in a way that focuses on community and finding ways to balance income and economic activity with collaboration and stewardship. Our people have been doing all of this since the beginning of time.