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Sháan Séet (Craig)
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Craig, Alaska is located on Prince of Wales (POW) Island in southern southeast Alaska. North Fish Egg Island is located on the northwest portion of POW. This site is extensive and contains garden ridges, house beams, large expanses of shell middens, and various landscape modifications. This site is referred to as "Shaan da". The small strait between Fish Egg Island and the community of Craig is known as "Shaan Seet". Shaan da is also used to refer to Fish Egg Island as a whole.
Shaan da is a significant cultural place. It contains archaeological and historic remains, which can be connected to oral histories passed down by Elders of Craig, Klawock, and Hydaburg. As a regionally important herring fishery for many centuries, the island has been a place where people and culture have come together.
- From the Shaan-Seet website
Federally Recognized Tribe
Craig Tribal Association
Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium
ANCSA Village Corporation
Shaan-Seet, Inc.
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